Meta Robots Tag : Pieces of code that tell bots how to crawl and index content on web pages. Meta Description : Information used to describe the content of a page to search engines. It is added to the HTML source code of a page. Crop Resizing Service Along with title tags, meta descriptions are the most common types of meta tags used in SEO. Navigation : A list of links that help users navigate the pages of a site. These usually come in the form of a list at the top of the website (top navigation), on one side of the screen (side navigation), or at the bottom of the page (footer navigation).
Page Rank : This is a link analysis program, part of Google's core algorithm, which estimates the importance of a web page by measuring, Crop resizing service among other things, the quality and quantity of links pointing to it. Robots.txt : Files that tell robots which parts of a website should or should not be crawled and indexed. Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines : Guidelines that Google employees use to determine and evaluate the relevance and effectiveness of search results based on the quality of web pages. Sitemap : A list of all the URLs of a website that the site owner provides so that crawlers can find and index content more easily. Spammy Tactics : Black Hat SEO approaches that violate search engine quality tactics. Any strategies that are considered underhanded or spammy to improve your website ranking.
Title tag: A type of HTML meta tag that indicates the title of a web page. This is usually what search engines display but it can also be replaced by the algorithm depending on its relevance to the query. Title tags should include the specific page's keywords, be written in a logical way for readers and bots, and be no longer than 65 characters. Crop resizing service URL parameters : Information added to a URL after a question mark. They are used to track information (passive parameters) or modify page content (active parameters) by adding values and variables (such as product sizes and colors in e-commerce stores).