If improving the health of your database is a priority Special leads in the new year, skip the traditional means of data cleansing and take a look at your email inbox first. That’s right, email replies (like Out-Of-Office and Left-The-Company) contain valuable sales intelligence Special leads about your leads. Think about it. Many of those auto-replies contain real-time updates to phone numbers, titles, and even emails — straight from the leads you’re actively engaging.
The data doesn’t get any fresher, or the process any Special leads easier, than mining emails to maintain the health of your database. Closing The Loop On Email Marketing I don’t have to tell you that email marketing is an incredibly powerful B2B tool. More than half of B2B marketers consider email the most effective channel for generating revenue. Which makes sense Special leads, as 86% of professionals prefer email when communicating for Special leads business purposes. While there was a brief moment when experts warned that social media would upset email’s reign,
B2Bs have only seen email grow in popularity. Nowadays Special leads with organic reach harder and harder to achieve on social media, many marketers are realizing that 1,000 email contacts are far more valuable than 1,000 social media followers. Plus, many marketing professionals say they appreciate how email marketing allows for greater personalization and Special leads segmentation. Mining email replies should be the final step in an effective email marketing strategy. It allows you to extract every last ounce of value from your email marketing campaigns, improving your overall ROI.